Abner Stearns House

Abner Stearns House
Abner Stearns House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Also Known As Pickman House
Address 141 Dudley Rd
Built 1798

Abner Stearns was the fourth generation to occupy the southwest corner of the Dudley Farm. In 1797, he married a daughter of Jonathan Hill, proprietor of Hill's Mills. A year later, with the backing of considerable wealth from both families, he built this house near the sawmill he operated.

None of Abner's children remained in the house, and by 1853, it was owned by J.C. Hobbs who was a toolmaker, deacon, and selectman.

In the early 1900s, it was incorporated into a tract of a few hundred acres by the Pickman Family, who were descendants of Governor Dudley.


  1. MACRIS BIL.186