Alley's Blacksmith Shop

Alley's Blacksmith Shop
Address 474 Boston Rd
Built 1849
Demolished 1919

William G. Alley was a blacksmith and carriage maker who purchased this tract of land from John Henry Parker in 1849, and opened a blacksmith shop right away. By 1875, a second building had been erected on the same lot as a paint shop.

The paint shop was still on the 1889 map, but gone by the 1918 county layout. The building on this lot now was built in 1920, which gives a pretty high accuracy in the year of demolition the blacksmith shop.


  • 1849: 20/275 JH Parker to William G Alley (no buildings)
  • 1853 Map: B. Shop
  • 1875 Map: M. Lund
  • 1885: 177/491 Rozina Howe to Calvin P Sawyer
  • 1889 Map: CP Sawyer
  • 1918 County Layout: WH Sexton