Benjamin Walker House

Benjamin Walker House
Benjamin Walker House
1887 - L.R. Burleigh
Address 30 Billerica Av
Built 1887

Anthony Jones owned a substantial amount of land in the mid-1800s, including the Tavern at the Corner. He died in 1882, and his widow Judith began selling off the family's holdings. Martin Conway bought a large parcel of that land north of the James Haulton House. Conway subdivided the land and sold the western side of Billerica Ave to Benjamin Walker in 1887 without buildings.

In the 1890s, Walker further subdivided his land, selling lots to his son Christopher, James Delmage, and Julia Holly. Walker died in 1898, and his widow Mary continued to live in the house until 1907, when she sold the place to Ephraim Jeffery.


  • 1883: 158/239 Judith Jones to Martin Conway
  • 1887: 186/143 Martin Conway to Benjamin Walker (Subdivision, No buildings)
  • 1889 Map: B. Walker
  • 1893: 242/467 Benjamin Walker to Christopher Walker (Subdivision)
  • 1897: 291/9 Benjamin Walker to James Delmage (Subdivision)
  • 1899: 312/391 Benjamin Walker to Julia A Holly (Subdivision)
  • 1902: 345/437 Benjamin Walker Estate to Mary Walker
  • 1907: 408/169 Mary Walker to Ephraim Jeffery

This house has not been inventoried by MACRIS.