Calvin B. Hill House

Calvin B. Hill House
Calvin B. Hill House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 805 Middlesex Tp
Built 1845
Moved 1972
New Address 590 Middlesex Tp

The original position of this house was across the Middlesex-Lexington intersection from Bowman's Tavern. John J. Gorham of Dedham bought the land from Josiah Hill in 1838 and there was no house at the time. Gorham sold the lot to Calvin B. Hill of Chelsmford, but it's unclear if the house was already built. Either way, Gorham's newer house carries his name, so this house can be considered the Calvin B. Hill House. However, the similarity in design of both houses is apparent.

In 1972, the house was moved north along Middlesex Turnpike, closer to the lake.


  1. MACRIS BIL.189