Captain John J. Gorham House

Captain John J. Gorham House
Captain John J. Gorham House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 473 Boston Rd
Built 1846
Moved 1998
New Address 19 Dudley Rd

Captain John J. Gorham came to Billerica from Dedham in 1838. In 1846, he bought this house lot and the lot one north from Henry Bowers and Lory Prentiss, respectively. Around this time, several other houses were springing up along this section of Boston Road. This one was a "Greek revival cottage" stye - doorway to the side with a gabled front, and porch was Greek columns.

The house occupied a valuable commercial location at the corner of Boston Road and Tower Farm Road. In 1998, it was moved to 19 Dudley Road, on the site of the old Job Hill house. The owners left the old foundation and the relic is still visible in the front yard.


  1. MACRIS BIL.193