Colby House

Colby House
Colby House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Also Known As George Warren House
Address 73 Gray St
Built 1843

The Colby House was built by John O. Richardson in 1843 while he was operating the saw mill and grist mill. When John's daughter married Homer Colby in 1878, the house was doubled in size, with the Colbys living in the back half. After the death of John, his wife Pamelia continued to live in the front half until she died in 1917.

There was an icehouse in the back, an adjoining barn, and a windmill to provide power. The ice house was torn down in the 1920s and the barn and windmill were destroyed by arson around 1960.

The house was probably built to face the railroad tracks as considerable Richardson land was involved in the construction of the railroad, and the family was rather closely connected to the business. It's possible that the house was originally two that were side-by-side and then connected by a central wing. Additionally, the "core" of the house may be older than 1800, and this may be the hub of the community which grew up around Richardson's mill.


  1. MACRIS BIL.142