Dr. Harlin Pillsbury House

Dr. Harlin Pillsbury House
Dr. Harlin Pillsbury House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 349 Boston Rd
Built 1886
Other Lot Structures Samuel Manning Homestead (1660 - 1886)

Dr. Harlin Pillsbury owned the property in 1875, and in 1882, Hazen referred to the place as the Pillsbury place. That's the name assigned by MACRIS. However, there was a definite change in house shape between the 1875 and 1889 maps, strongly suggesting that Orra H. Fletcher substantially remodelled or rebuilt the house around 1886. This would mean that the house is misnamed, since Pillsbury never lived in it. The 1912 Billerica magazine refers to it as (John E.) Woodside's house. Either way, Fletcher sold in 1901 and went on to build a house with similar trim across the street.


  1. MACRIS BIL.154