Fiske Tavern Stand

Fiske Tavern Stand
Fiske Tavern Stand
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Also Known As Josiah Crosby House
Address 581 Boston Rd
Built 1700
Demolished 1987

The architecture of this house was unique in Billerica for the time period. It was almost certainly very late 17th century, but had two separate "fore-and-aft" chimneys instead of a single large one that usually characterizes houses from the period.

The earliest recorded transfers are in 1738 from John Wilson to his son Jacob Wilson. In 1765, it came into Josiah Crosby's hands and transfers after that call it "Jacob Wilson's house lot".

After more transfers in the 1800s, it made its way into Zadok Howe's ownership, and he sold to Sereno Fiske in 1833. Oral tradition has it that Fiske opened a tavern stand here.

The house was still standing in 1974, but by 1987, it had been demolished and replaced with a gas station. The gas station has since closed.


  1. MACRIS BIL.198