George Bacon House

George Bacon House
George Bacon House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 27 Andover Rd
Built 1846

When George Bacon bought the lot from John Eames in 1846, there was already a building. Interior features suggest that a one-story house was enlarged, perhaps by Bacon, who at the same time was apparently having a larger house built on Concord Rd.

But this appears to be the house where George Bacon lived when he "moved to the village", and until he bought the large Federal house which once stood across the street from the Baptist Church. Real estate transfers of the time are a bit confusing, for George Bacon was the Town Treasurer and invested some of the town's money in mortgages generally indexed to his name.

Bacon sold to Mary L. Fox and nearby deeds refer to this as as the "Fox Parsonage" but Fox has not been identified. It's possible it was rental property used by the Orthodox Church.


  1. MACRIS BIL.33