Governor Thomas Talbot Mansion

Governor Thomas Talbot Mansion
Governor Thomas Talbot Mansion
April 20, 1906 - Mrs. Talbot's driveway showing shrub bed and S. E. corner of house
Address 29 Mt. Pleasant St
Built 1860
Demolished 1940

Governor Thomas Talbot first purchased a small lot along the south side of Mt. Pleasant Street from Calvin Rogers in 1848, with the condition that Talbot maintain a fence around the property. Talbot purchased more land from Rogers in 1859. In 1863, Talbot purchased land from Lyman Hayes on the north side of the street, and that deed makes reference to the Talbot residence across the street.

The house that stood until c. 1940 had a Mansard roof, which would make it very unlikely to have been built before 1850. It's possible that Talbot built a smaller house on the lot in 1848, then enlarged or replaced the house around 1860.

Governor Thomas Talbot Mansion
Jul 25, 1920 - The Boston Globe
Governor Thomas Talbot Mansion
May 23, 1920 - The Boston Globe
Governor Thomas Talbot Mansion
Plan of Land Belonging to Jane McBride, 1920 (Plan 38/34)