Henry Bowers House

Henry Bowers House
Henry Bowers House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 455 Boston Rd
Built 1850
Moved 1973
New Address 594 Middlesex Tp

This house may be long remembered as the house that Leonard Caporale moved in August 1973, to build a carwash on the lot.

It was originally built between 1846 (when it was acquired by Henry Crosby) and 1852 (when Henry Bowers divided the lot).

For a time in the 1870s, it was the parsonage of the First Parish Church. By 1889, it was occupied by Mrs. M. Haskell. The widow Jessie Flitner occupied it in the first half of the 20th century, and converted it to a two-family house.

Eventually, progress caught up to it, pushing residential houses out of the center to make way for more commercial endeavors.


  1. MACRIS BIL.190