Hill Schoolhouse

Hill Schoolhouse
Hill Schoolhouse
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Also Known As District Number 5 Schoolhouse
Address 329 Concord Rd
Built 1791
Demolished 2018

In 1791, when school locations were being determined, it was recorded that "the south ward house to be set at the head of Job Hill's lane". Presently, this is the corner of Concord Rd and Dudley Rd (329 Concord Rd), and is shown on every historical map in the same location. Officially, it was the District Number 5 Schoolhouse. The earliest known reference that calls it The Hill School is in the 1890 Town Report, but it was surely called that even earlier. The school closed in 1910 under the advisement of the School Committee, citing enrollment would be only a single student. However, enrollment in the previous year was 21 students and had been steadily increasing over the years prior.

In 1915, there was discussion to turn the schoolhouse into a fire substation. Ironically, there was a fire at the site on August 14, 1922. In 1925, the town sold it to Mrs. Anna V. Kraise per the Annual Reports. However, in 1948, the town sold it again to Francis McIntyre for $250, so it's unclear what happened to Mrs. Kraise. In the 2017 Historical Commission report, it states that it was built in 1881 (it's possible it was built over the original building) and that it was a town-owned community center from 1910 to 1948. The 2019 Historical Commission gives a build date of c. 1850. It was finally demolished in 2018-2019, and a newly-built house is there now.

1888Edith Byrnes15
1889Hattie Lund24
1890Mary Knowles26
1891Grace Crandon?
1894Miss Clarke
Jennie Blodget
Nina Foster
Helen Briggs
1895Helen Briggs28
1896Helen Briggs30
1897Helen Briggs?
1898Mary Hosmer21
1899Mary Hosmer20
1900Mary Hosmer13
1901Mary Hosmer12
1902Mary Hosmer8
1903Mary Hosmer8
1904Mary Hosmer8
1905Mary Hosmer
Cora King
F. Marion Dutton
1906Edith Mason15
1907Edith Mason18
1908Edith Mason
L. Marie Hentz
Stella Wright
1909Stella Wright21

Hill Schoolhouse
Concord Road (Bedford to Meadow Ln), 1915 (Plan 910/13)


  1. MACRIS BIL.178