Isaac Brown House

Isaac Brown House
Isaac Brown House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address Rangeway Rd
Built 1800
Demolished 2000

Not much is known about this house. Architecturally, it was likely built in the 1800s, but it does not appear on the 1853 map. It's possible it was not occupied at the time. On the 1875, it was occupied by Isaac Brown. Isaac was the fourth generation on this farm, and his first recorded child was in 1824. He had been buying out land along Rangeway from his siblings as early as 1813, and it's possible that his father Thomas had actually built the house.

Weston Swanson owned the land from at least the early 1970s until 2000. After that, it became the Swanson Meadows Golf Course.


  1. MACRIS BIL.208