James Stott House

James Stott House
James Stott House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 20 Mt. Pleasant St
Built 1814

The first ell of the house was built in 1814. According to Charles Kohlrausch's Memoir, this "small house occupied by Alexander Cochrane Sr, the manager of the Talbot Chemical Works, and at present by James Stott, to whose house it forms the ell, was built in 1814 by two young men of the name Hosmer, who worked on it mostly evenings after completing their work elsewhere." Those two Hosmers were Jeremiah, a clothier in Acton, and Harmon a tavern-keeper in Boston.

The main portion of the house was built around 1865 and came to be owned by the Talbot Mills. James Stott, the first superintendent of the Talbot Mills was its resident for many years. This was an early house in "Nobility Hill", also known as Mount Pleasant Street.


  1. MACRIS BIL.285