Jennie Blodgett House

Jennie Blodgett House
Jennie Blodgett House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 12 Andover Rd
Built 1892
Demolished 1973
Other Lot Structures Graham Building (Built 1973)

Jennie Blodgett, a teacher, lived with her sister, Marion, who worked as a telephone operator in the office located on the west side of the Lyons' house. As is described in the history of the Blodgett Homestead, Jennie sold the homestead in 1944. Jennie's house became the property of W.W. Madeiros until about 1957. After that, Mary McMenimen was the owner and set up a hairdressing business. In 1973, the property was bought by Graham Builders Inc, who built an office building in the back part of the property and razed the house for a parking lot.


  1. MACRIS BIL.21