John Baldwin House

John Baldwin House
John Baldwin House
Sep 26, 1934 - Harriette Merrifield Forbes
Also Known As Albert Stearns House
Address 376 Boston Rd
Built 1700

John Baldwin's house lot was northernmost "on the Township" and his 1657 house was essentially on this site. However, the chamfered interior sheathing in one room suggests the current house was likely built around 1700 by John Baldwin's son, John Jr.

In 1841, substantial changes were made to the house to "modernize" it: removal of the central chimney, moving the front door to end facing the street, and installation of a recessed doorway.

Cyril D. Locke, principal of the Howe High School, occupied the house from 1930 to 1960.

John Baldwin House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS


  1. MACRIS BIL.160