John Duren House

John Duren House
John Duren House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 34 Sullivan Rd
Built 1840
Demolished 1986

Jacob Spaulding transferred this parcel of Benoni Spaulding's farm to his sister Ann Duren, wife of John, in December 1839. At the time, the land was "tillage and woodland", almost certainly no house. By the 1853 map, the site was marked with John Duren's house. Ann and John had been married since 1818, so it's likely that they built the house in 1840, shortly after acquiring the land for themselves.

In 1875, the house was owned by Ira N. Hannaford, husband of Emily Duren, who was likely John's daughter.

Beginning in the 1970s, the area along Rangeway was becoming more industrialized. In 1985, this lot was rezoned, and by the late 80s, had been razed.


  1. MACRIS BIL.206