John H. Parker Store

John H. Parker Store
Also Known As Central Post Office
Address 464 Boston Rd
Built 1846
Demolished 1963

In 1832, John Parker died, and in 1837, his son David Parker acquired the "Alexander Bowers Lot" from the estate. David subdivided the lot and sold a portion to his son, John Henry Parker, in 1846. John Henry built a store here, but he died just a few years later in 1849. The store reverted back to David, who maintained it until 1859.

Bernard McCann was a businessman from the Corner, and he purchased the store in 1859. In 1866, he became the Central Postmaster, and presumably operated the post office out of this building. The building stayed in the McCann family for many years, before eventually making its way into George Parker Greenwood's hands. George lived on Dudley Road, so the building was certainly not a residence.

Some time between 1923 and 1952, the center ell of the building was removed, leaving two separate structures. By the 1960s, both buildings had been demolished. A Bank of America branch office is here now.