John Nelson - Stephen Parker House

John Nelson - Stephen Parker House
John Nelson - Stephen Parker House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 16 River St
Built 1805

The house occupies the site of James Kidder's homestead in the original township.

About 1805, Stephen Parker bought out the heirs of Solomon Kidder. Stephen's mother Abigail was Solomon's sister. After Stephen, the place was occupied by Gardner (his son), John Nelson (his grandson), and George Nelson (his great-grandson).

The house in its present form is almost certainly created by John Nelson Parker about 1900, and has considerable merit in its own right as an example of a home of that era. Certainly it is not a modified colonial-era house. Its basic form, however, is that of a square Federal style, and there is possibility that John Nelson was remodelling an older house built by Stephen.


  1. MACRIS BIL.55