Josiah Hill House

Josiah Hill House
Address 363 Concord Rd
Built 1789

Jonathan Hill died in 1795. Prior to his death, in 1785, he had sold a large tract of land to two of his sons, Job and Josiah west of Concord Road. They subdivided the land with Job getting the section north of Mill Brook and Josiah getting the section south of it. Josiah was married in 1789, and it's likely he built this house around that time. It was certainly in existence by 1831, when he sold the land "with buildings thereon" to Artemas Hill. It's also attested on the 1831 map.

Artemas Hill sold to Lyman Haynes in 1849, who sold to George Clark in 1852. G. Clark appears on the 1853 map, followed by J. Alexander on the 1875 map.

This house is not listed in the MACRIS database.