Oliver Farmer House

Oliver Farmer House
Oliver Farmer House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 336 Boston Rd
Built 1760

This fine colonial house was the house of Oliver Farmer in 1789 and he very probably built it. His brother Edward lived farther north (at the corner of Pollard and Floyd) in what was probably an old Farmer house; Oliver may well have built this one near the time of his marriage in 1757. As of our present knowledge, it is the oldest Farmer house still standing. The "Farmer Garrison House" mentioned by Hazen was the next house south, not this one. It was actually NOT a garrison, and it was associated with Thomas Dutton and later Timothy Foster.

Oliver turned over the homestead to his son Jeremiah in two stages, 1796 and 1798, by deeds recorded near the time of Jeremiah's death. Jeremiah had married Clarissa Foster , his next-door neighbor, and at least she and her son seem to have taken up the Foster home (the "Farmer Garrison"). After Jeremiah's death in 1836, the homestead was broken up. In 1853, the house belonged to T. Farrier, and in 1875, F. Dixon.


  1. MACRIS BIL.158