Oliver Farmer II House

Oliver Farmer II House
Oliver Farmer II House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 34 Colson St
Built 1803

One of the most interesting variations of the Federal period was the so-called "brickender". There are five of these in Billerica, the first in 1798 and the last in 1812. Though very beautiful in design, the variation was short-lived. The represent wealth and position.

Nicholas Sprague (Sprake) lived near this site. In 1786, Oliver Farmer married Hannah Sprake and thus the property came into the Farmer family. There was a daughter, Rachel, born 1804, who married Israel Colson, and thus the Colson family acquired the property. It is said that Rachel was the first child born in the house. It is replete with delicate mouldings and details inside, one of the finest examples of this period in town. In the late nineteenth century, a center cupola was added in keeping with the fashion.


  1. MACRIS BIL.98