Reuben French House

Reuben French House
Address 14 Allen Rd
Built 1806

Reuben French married Abigail Farmer in 1792. In 1806, he bought a plot of land "about three fourths of a mile nearly a northeast point from the meeting house" from Nahum Baldwin, and built this house. When he sold it to Judith Pollard in 1819, he called it "my homestead" in the deed.


  • 1806: 11/207 Nahum Baldwin to Reuben French
  • 1819: 12/139 Reuben French to Judith Pollard
  • 1827: 14/7 Joseph Tyler to James Tyler
  • 1850: 18/521 James Tyler died, auction sold to Henry Sperry
  • 1851: 18/561 Henry Sperry to Joseph Mann
  • 1852: 19/427 Joseph Mann to Joseph Farmer
  • 1853 Map: J. Farmer
  • 1857: 9/164 Joseph Farmer to William F. Burrows
  • 1875 Map: Chas Swan
  • 1889 Map: O.M. Harding

This house has not been inventoried by MACRIS.