Rev. John Chandler House

Rev. John Chandler House
Rev. John Chandler House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Also Known As David Parker House
Address 411 Boston Rd
Built 1656
Demolished 1984

This site is the house-lot of William Patten (1656) and of the third minister, Rev. John Chandler (1747-1760), who died young. From Chandler's heirs, it made its way to cabinetmaker, Jonathan Bond in 1797. Around this time, it's likely that architect Reuben Duren remodelled parts of the house. The interior was described as a structure originally facing south, but later greatly enlarged and facing the street.

The building later passed on to John Richardson Jr., John Parker Jr., David Parker, George Hills, and H.B. Stanton.

In 1984, fire largely destroyed the house.


  1. MACRIS BIL.73