Rogers Barn

Rogers Barn
Rogers Barn
1887 - L.R. Burleigh
Address 180 High St
Built 1880

The Rogers Barn is now a house, built around 1880 as part of the Thomas Rogers House. In 1911, Allen Bottomley subdivided his land, setting the barn off in its own lot, along with four other lots along High Street. John E. Rowell purchased the barn lot at this time. Rowell had been living across the street from Bottomley as a farmer, and may have continued the use of the barn.

In 1919, Rowell sold to John Sutcliffe, another farmer in North Billerica. In the 1920s, Sutcliffe shuffled ownership of the property back and forth with his wife, and in 1932, he secured a mortgage on the property that included "gas and electric fixtures" so it's likely that it was converted into a livable residence at this time. Sutcliffe maintained ownership of the property until the 1960s but doesn't appear to have been living here, so it's possible he was renting it out.