Samuel G. Tucker House

Samuel G. Tucker House
Samuel G. Tucker House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 13 Andover Rd
Built 1815

This house occupies the site of the "Wetherbee Place", built by John Wetherbee about 1815 and sold to the Baldwin Brothers in 1825. Colonel John Baldwin lived across the street. When his heirs deeded the site to his son Francis in 1876, the letter suggests he was already an occupant, perhaps since his marriage in 1839.

Francis' daughter, Annie, had married Prof. Samuel Tucker, the principal of the Howe School since 1868. Francis died in 1875 and his heirs released their interest in the home in 1885 to the Tuckers. Some time between 1875 and 1889, the home was substantially remodelled from the original Wetherbee Place to the current house.


  1. MACRIS BIL.37