Samuel Hill House

Samuel Hill House
Samuel Hill House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 187 Concord Rd
Built 1698

When Jonathan Hill divided his land between his two sons, Samuel already occupied a house on his share. It is therefore likely that the house began at the time of his married in 1698. The house is unusually well-preserved and innumerable interior features are consistent with a circa 1700 date.

Samuel died in 1762 and his son Samuel had predeceased him in 1748. This left the house to his daughter Abigail, who had married Samuel Kidder, making it the Samuel Kidder Place for a time. Another prosperous Hill descendant, Joseph and his wife, bought them out in 1782.

On the 1853 map, it was owned by Benjamin Gilbert, and not long after became the McElligott family farm for about a hundred years. After that, it was owned by the Sons of Italy for a time before going back into private hands as a home.


  1. MACRIS BIL.171