Samuel Parker House

Samuel Parker House
Samuel Parker House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Also Known As Silas Cragin House
Address 16 Salem Rd
Built 1808

Commonly identified as the home of Samuel Parker, tanner and inventor of the leather-splitting machine manuafactured under his patent by Jonathan Hill and successors in South Billerica, generally conceded to have made possible development of the leather industry in New England

In fact, Samuel and his brother John bought the house together in 1803 from Thomas Richardson, keeper of the tavern next door. One of two houses still remaining had carried Richardson's restriction that the owners may not operate a tavern themselves. But Samuel soon sold his half interest to his brother and by 1803 had probably built his own house farther west, referred to in subsequent mortgages, judgments, and transfers as his house.

More than later houses, this one preserves conventional 18th century lines although the chimneys are divided and placed at the end of the house. Curiously, Samuel Parker's father's house in the center of town, was another example of this Early Federal style. The house has merit in its own right, as well as being an example of styles used in development of the Corner at the time.


  1. MACRIS BIL.134