Samuel Stearns House

Samuel Stearns House
Samuel Stearns House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 397 Concord Rd
Built 1749

This typical mid-eighteenth century farmhouse was said to have been built by Samuel Stearns in 1749 at the time of his marriage to Elizabeth Hutchinson, who lived across the street. The house is on land granted to the Stearns family in Billerica's earliest years, so it's not impossible that the house was started by his father Samuel who died in 1730, leaving behind five or six small children.

An unconfirmed tradition from Bedford suggests that Samuel the Younger's sister, who married John Bacon in 1744, lived there and his widow sister married Jonathan Wilson of Revolutionary fame.

On the 1853 map, it's owned by Royal T. Bryant, and then John Augustus Merriam in 1875.


  1. MACRIS BIL.183