Seth Crosby House

Seth Crosby House
Seth Crosby House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 11 Manning Rd
Built 1810
Demolished 1974

Seth Crosby (1766-1848) was of the fifth generation of Crosbys in Billerica. By this time, they had vast holdings in the southern part of town. He was probably, in the best sense of the words, a "gentleman farmer".

"Open House in Billerica" gives 1810 as a construction date for the house. Seth married in 1790 and his father died in 1814. The Middlesex Turnpike went through in 1807, and given its location at the corner of Manning and the Turnpike, it's likely that the house was erected after. This is one of two square Federal houses on the Turnpike built between 1790 and 1812. Seth died in 1848, and none of his children remained in town.

In the early 1850s, Nathaniel Critchett owned the place, but he died in 1857. The Fiske family owned it for several years after that.

By the 1970s, the building was in dilapidated condition and finally came down in 1974.


  1. MACRIS BIL.191