Shawsheen Schoolhouse

Shawsheen Schoolhouse
Also Known As District Number 8 Schoolhouse
Address 62 Cook St
Built 1791
Demolished 1920

One of ten single-room district schoolhouses in Billerica during the 19th century, this schoolhouse was located on Cook Street and served as the District 8 School. By 1890, the school had closed in favor of conveying the handful of children to the Crosby School on Wyman Road. Rapid residential development in Pinehurst in the early 1900s caused the town to reconsider its options. In 1909 and 1910, there were enough students in the area that the Town Committee voted to reopen the school, but it was deemed too dilapidated to do so. Instead, in 1922, the Pinehurst School on Boston Road was built.

Shawsheen Schoolhouse
The Pines, 1912 (Plan 30/13)