Small House

Small House
Small House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 24 Old Elm St
Built 1868

Israel Nelson Wilson (b. July 20, 1828) was the son of Daniel "Boss" Wilson. The Wilsons were prominent in the North Billerica Mill district, but Israel was a sailor and trader. He died of apoplexy in 1868 at just 40 years old, leaving behind a wife, Alma (Caldwell) and two young daughters, Fannie and Annie.

Shortly after the death, on January 8, 1869, Thomas Talbot sold Alma the "Small House" lot, which was described as already having buildings. It's possible Talbot had the house built for his good friend's daughter-in-law, and she had her mortgage with Talbot. Alma sold to Marietta Hutchins (owner of the rest of the land along Elm, between Wilson St and Talbot Ave) in 1885, when she purchased the land next to the church.


  1. MACRIS BIL.251