Solomon Hill House

Solomon Hill House
Solomon Hill House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address Meadow Lane
Built 1742
Demolished 1973
Other Lot Structures Samuel Cole Blacksmith Shop (1835 - 1899)
Riverhurst Trolley Station (1900 - 1930)

When Deacon Ralph Hill died in 1789, he divided his farm between his two sons. William got the "old house" and Solomon got the "new house". Deacon Ralph had been married in 1732, but his father lived until 1755, so it makes sense that Deacon Ralph would build this "new house" while his father still occupied the old one.

William had two children, so he got the smaller, older house, while Solomon already had five children at the time of Deacon Ralph's death, which explains why he was given the larger house.

By 1846, it had been sold to Isaac Roby, who owns it on the 1853 map. In 1875, Dr. Charles Hosmer became the owner.

In 1973, the land was purchased by Graham Builders and an attempt was made to move the house down the street to 31 Riverhurst Rd along with the "old house". Ultimately, only the older house made the move and this one was demolished. The Villas at Old Concord now stand on the site.

Solomon Hill House
Graham Builders - Villas at Old Concord, 1972 (Plan 115/34)


  1. MACRIS BIL.172