Spaulding Schoolhouse

Spaulding Schoolhouse
Also Known As District Number 9 Schoolhouse
Address Nashua Road
Built 1845
Demolished 1935

One of ten single-room district schoolhouses in Billerica during the 19th century the Spaulding School was the District 9 School. The Nashua Road location was likely its third (after Shedd Lane and the current House of Correction), and was here by 1853. In 1910, this school and the Hill School closed in favor of centralizing education in the Talbot and Pollard Schools. In 1925, the town sold it to FP Delorey & Sons who owned the adjacent lot. The building was razed in the 1930s, and the small lot eventually reverted to the Town.

Spaulding Schoolhouse
Nashua Road, 1925 (Plan 910/9)