Stephen Barrett House

Stephen Barrett House
Stephen Barrett House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 201 Pollard St
Built 1800

Henry Newman of Boston bought the land in 1792 from Asa Spaulding, Jr. There is no evidence that Henry lived in Billerica. Rather he seems to have been a speculator. In 1799, he sold both pieces separately — the "house lot" to two other Boston men, 1 acre plus at the corner to Stephen Barrett and his brother-in-law Ephraim Kidder, Jr.. The next year Ephraim sold his half interest to Barrett and (with two others) bought the remainder of the northern piece. Stephen Barrett, trader, kept the first piece and probably had the house built. By 1816, when he passed the place on to his sons, it was 1 acre "with buildings" and he had sold three small pieces at the northwest corner to shopkeepers. The sons sold out, and in 1818 Timothy Davis, Jr. "of Chelmsford" bought the house from Moses Griffin. Davis stayed there. His son sold in 1848 to Ebenezer Cowdrey, whose widow still occupied the house in 1875. Thus the house (like those shops, no longer extant) appears to have arrived in 1799/1800 (or shop was taken in judgment in 1800), built by Stephen Barrett.


  1. MACRIS BIL.136