Thomas Richardson House

Thomas Richardson House
Thomas Richardson House
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Also Known As Webb Brook Country Club
Address 36 Webb Brook Rd
Built 1740
Demolished 1994

This is the homestead that Jonathan Richardson deed to his son Thomas in 1778. Jonathan, who was orphaned at age 4, presumably built the house at the time of his marriage in 1740. At the time of its demolition in 1994, it was the last remaining Richardson house in the area. "Richardson's Row" had several houses built from the late 1600s along Allen Road, with this house being the most northerly.

Thomas started the family's interests in the Richardson's Mills of North Billerica and along with his brother Oliver, had many economic dealings in the area. He also bought out The Tavern at the Corner, which he and his son-in-law operated for thirty years.

Thomas sold the house an 17 acres to the Danforths in 1785. A Danforth daughter married another Richardson (William), but was soon widowed by his suicide. She is shown on the 1853 map as "Widow (Sarah) Richardon". By 1875, John W. Essex, who was a member of the Pasho family, owned the house, and continued for many years.

By the 1950s, the house became the Webb Brook Country Club, until it was demolished in 1994. It is now a condominium building with four units.


  1. MACRIS BIL.167