William Patten House

William Patten House
Also Known As Patten Place
Address 309 Boston Rd
Built 1693
Demolished 1955

The Patten family owned a substantial farm west of Pollard Street from the earliest days of the town. William Patten, the son of Thomas Patten, first married Mary Rogers around 1693 and began having children. She died in 1716 and he remarried Elizabeth Whiting a year later. William was a deacon and representative, who died in Cambridge after contracting smallpox while in session in 1730.

The house continued to pass down generations in the Patten family until Deacon Jeremiah Patten died in 1815. He left behind three young daughters: Abigail, Julia Ann, and Hannah who was born two months after Jeremiah's death. The children's guardians sold the place to Josiah Stevens in 1819. He had been operating the Tavern at the Corner up to this point.

Stevens maintained ownership until his death in 1840 and the property was shuffled around until it ended up in William D. Mason's hands in 1842. He presumably lived here until he finished building his own William D. Mason House across the new Boston Road, which split his land in half. Mason then sold the house and land west of the road to Luther W. Faulkner of Faulkner Mills in 1847.

Faulkner only lived here a few years before moving onto the center in 1855. The house went through ownership by Sewall Worthley and Dr. Seth Kendall, all with mortgages held by Rufus K. Underhill. After Dr. Kendall's death, Underhill was able to sell the place to Leonard Blood, a Civil War Veteran and Battle of Gettysburg survivor.


  • 1730: 3/298 Deacon William's Heirs to Thomas Patten
  • 1819: 12/155 Guardians of Jeremiah Patten's Minors (Abigail, Julia Ann, Hannah) to Josiah Stevens through public auction, had a dwelling house and barn
  • 1840: 16/379 Abigail Stevens to George Holden
  • 1840: 16/384 George Holden to George Rice ("Patten Place")
  • 1842: 17/273 George Rice (late Josiah Stevens) to William D Mason ("Patten Place")
  • 1847: 20/188 William D. Mason to Luther W. Faulkner (already has a dwelling house)
  • 1853 Map: L. Faulkner
  • 1855: 20/601 Luther W Faulker to Sewall Worthley
  • 1861: 28/17 Sewall Worthley to Rufus K Underhill
  • 1873: 93/391 Rufus K Underhill to Seth Kendall
  • 1875 Map: Dr. S. Kendell
  • 1888: 199/368 Seth Kendall's Estate to Leonard Blood
  • 1889 Map: L. Blood
  • 1918 Map: Leonard Blood - Veteran at Gettysburg
  • 1926: 739/361 Leonard Blood Estate to Leon R. Pasho
  • 1926: 739/362 Leon Pasho to Prescott Pasho