Charles Henry Parker House

Charles Henry Parker House
Address 27 Concord Rd
Built 1844
Moved 1972
New Address 602 Middlesex Tp
Other Lot Structures Billerica Council on Aging (Built 1978)

In 1844, Charles Henry Parker purchased this lot of land from Ann Parker, who owned the adjacent Samuel Ruggles House. On the 1853 map, there is a structure at this location notated as "S. Shop, C.H. Parker". In the 1860 census, Parker's profession is "shoemaker", so it stands to reason that this was a shoe shop in the center of town, along with his residence.

In 1862, Parker sold to John Baldwin, who sold it to Dr. George A. Monroe, a physician, in 1873. We can presume he practiced medicine out of the large home. Next, it passed into the hands of Charles Flanders, an optician, again likely operating his business here.

In 1970, the town bought the property through eminent domain in order to build a library. Leonard Caporale, the noted house-mover, was contracted to move this house along with the Samuel Ruggles House. While the Ruggles House moved to River Street, this house moved to a plot of land Caporale owned on Middlesex Turnpike, near Nuttings Lake. It is now a multi-family home, presumably converting the original office space into livable quarters.

This house is not in the MACRIS database.