Gray House

Gray House
Address 3 Andover Rd
Built 1929
Demolished 1970
Other Lot Structures Fletcher Hotel (1795 - 1877)
Town House (1797 - 1877)
Mitchell Boys' School (1879 - 1888)
Dr. Albert C. Lane House (1889 - 1926)
Billerica Center Shops (Built 1915)
Billerica Center Shops (Built 1927)
Billerica Center Shops (Built 1947)

This large wooden house appears in many postcards and aerial photos of Billerica Center. It was built between 1925 and 1929, and was razed sometime between 1963 and 1971. When it was built, it was part of the corner lot owned by E. E. Gray Co., a grocery chain, so there is no clear resident. In 1961, when Henry J. McCormack owned the lot, he subdivided the land into the three buildings: the corner shops, the Brainerd Insurance building, and this house. In 1963 photographs, the building is still visible, but by 1971 photos, it's gone, replaced with the rear exit and parking lot for the shops.

Gray House
Corner of Boston and Andover, 1961 (Plan 97/42)