Job Hill House

Job Hill House
Job Hill House
November 30, 1925 - The Boston Globe
Also Known As Perrin Place
Address 19 Dudley Rd
Built 1790
Demolished 1925
Other Lot Structures Captain John J. Gorham House (Built 1998)

Jonathan Hill died in 1795. Prior to his death, in 1785, he had sold a large tract of land to two of his sons, Job and Josiah west of Concord Road. They subdivided the land with Job getting the section north of Mill Brook and Josiah getting the section south of it. Job was married in 1790, and it's likely he built this house around that time.

After Job Hill, it was owned by Thomas E. Perrin and was known in some deeds as the "Perrin Place".

Colonel Fowler was the next owner, and left to Charlotte Fowler after his death. On November 29, 1925, the house burned to the ground. The foundation is still visible in the front yard of the new location of the James Gorham House.

Job Hill House
Plan of Land Belonging to Charlotte Fowler, 1906 (Plan 23/25)