Nathaniel Davidson House

Nathaniel Davidson House
Also Known As William Hardy's Inn
Address 419 Boston Rd
Built 1720
Other Lot Structures Sarah Blanchard House (1837 - 1965)

The first record of a building in this location is in a 1725 deed from Ebenezer Dows to James Barrett. It was called an "orchard and mowing lot" but had buildings, fences, and trees all conveyed in the deed. Beginning with Barrett, the lot had several buildings associated with tanning. The tanning equipment was frequently included in the deeds.

In 1759, Nathaniel Davidson sold the place to Ebenezer French Jr, and this marked the first time a "house and barn" rather than just "buildings" was listed on the deed. Davidson was also the first owner to last more than a few years, so he probably actually lived on the property. French called it his "homestead" when he sold it to John White in 1777.

In the 1820s, it rapidly changed hands, including Nehemiah Lovejoy, a housewright. We can infer that it was either rebuilt or substantially altered at that time. In the 1830s, it was called the "Wheat House" because Joel Wheat rented it from David Rogers. From 1838 to 1845, Arza Page, a carpenter who built several houses to the south, lived here and almost certainly added his own touches.

William Hardy, a hotelier, acquired the building in 1845 and converted it to an inn. He would later buy the Fletcher Hotel at the corner of Andover Road.

This house has not been inventoried by MACRIS.


  • 1725: 3/170 Ebenezer Dows to James Barrett (orchard and mowing lot; buildings, fences, and trees)
  • 1729: 3/215 James Barrett to Jonathan Brown (orchard and mowing lot; buildings, fences, hay, and tanning equipment)
  • 1732: 3/344 Jonathan Brown to William Marshall (orchard and mowing lot; with buildings, fences, and trees)
  • 1736: 4/32 William Marshall to Edward Jewett (buildings, fences, and trees)
  • 1741: 4/328 Edward Jewett to Nathaniel Davidson (including tanning equipment)
  • 1759: 5/465 Nathaniel Davidson to Ebenezer French Jr (house, barn, and other buildings)
  • 1777: 5/559 Ebenezer French Jr to John White (French's Homestead)
  • 1813: 11/245 John White Estate to Elnathan Duren
  • 1816: 11/402 Elnathan Duren to Henry Homes & George Homer (house, barn, and other buildings)
  • 1821: 12/189 Henry Homes & George Homer to Abel Duren
  • 1821: 12/190 Abel Duren to Nehemiah Lovejoy, housewright
  • 1821: 13/156 Nehemiah Lovejoy to Eagle Manufacturing Company
  • 1824: 13/239 Eagle Manufacturing Company to David Rogers (has dwelling house)
  • 1833: 16/305 David Rogers to David Parker (Joel Wheat had been renting from Rogers)
  • 1837: 15/463 David Parker to William Blanchard ("Wheat House", dwelling house AND barn)
  • 1838: 14/452 William Blanchard to Arza Page ("Wheat House")
  • 1845: 18/24 Arza Page to William Hardy (Page: "where I now live")
  • 1853 Map: W. Hardy's Hotel
  • 1853: 19/526 William Hardy to Charles Fletcher
  • 1853: 20/403 Charles Fletcher to John F Baldwin
  • 1867: 55/562 John F Baldwin to Leonard Osborn
  • 1872: 85/425 Leonard Osborn to George W Wilson
  • 1875 Map: G. W. Wilson
  • 1889 Map: Mrs. M. E. Wilson
  • 1918 County: Frank Lapham (Certificate #852)